Submitted Papers
Characterization of State-of-Charge Behavior in Lithium-Ion Batteries with Composite Electrodes
Jinho Ha, Kwangho Lee, Gwang Hoon Jun, Dong-Wook Koh, Jieun Lee, Jisu An, Sol Nip Lee, Daesoo Kim, and Jung-Il Choi*
***, Submitted, 2024.
Genetic Algorithm-based Optimal Film Cooling Design for Gas Turbine Endwalls Under Real Operating Conditions
Jiyong Choi, Jungwoo Kim, Jungwon Lee, Ju-Hyun Im, Hyung Hee Cho, and Jung-Il Choi*
Physics of Fluids, Submitted, 2025.
Reduced-order modeling for uncertainty quantification of parameterized fluid-structure interaction problems
Tiantian Xu, Xiang Sun, and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Computational Physics, Revision Submitted, 2025.
Numerical investigation of flow and heat transfer characteristics in buoyancy-driven convection around cylinder arrays within an enclosure
Tiantian Xu and Jung-Il Choi*
Physics of Fluids, Vol.37, 023610, 2025.Surrogate Model-based Parameter Estimation Framework of Physics-based Model for Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries
Jinho Ha, Youngkwon Kim, and Jung-Il Choi*
Applied Energy, Vol.385, 125321, 2025
Capacity Fade-Aware Parameter Identification of Zero-Dimensional Model for Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries
Jinho Ha, Seongyoon Kim, Youngkwon Kim, and Jung-Il Choi*
Applied Energy, Vol.380, 124989, 2025.Bayesian predictive modeling of indoor ultrafine particles to enhance mid-cost monitoring
Yesol Hyun, Donghyun Rim, Lance Wallace, and Jung-Il Choi*
Environmental Research, Vol.265, 120384, 2025.
The source code "BPM_IndoorUFP" is available at GitHub-MPMC-Lab.
Mesoporous graphite felt electrode prepared via thermal oxidative etching on all-vanadium redox flow batteries
Seung Hwa Park, Jinho Ha, Dong Wook Kim, Chihyun Hwang, Jung-Il Choi*, Ho Seok Park*, and Youngkwon Kim*
Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol.500, 157238, 2024.Bayesian Impedance Deconvolution Using Timescale Distribution for Lithium-Ion Battery State Estimation
Seongyoon Kim and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Energy Storage, Vol.100, 113503, 2024.
Bayesian predictive modeling for gas purification using breakthrough curves
Yesol Hyun, Geunwoo Oh, Jaeheon Lee, Heesoo Jung, Min-Kun Kim, and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol.472, 134311, 2024.
The source code "BPM_GasAdsorption" is available at GitHub-MPMC-Lab.
A multi-GPU based real-time large-eddy simulation of urban wind in Seoul
Mingyu Yang, Geunwoo Oh, Tiantian Xu, Jungwoo Kim, Ji-Hoon Kang, and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol.146, No.7, 070904 , 2024.
Numerical study of underwater explosion shock loading near a rigid dam
Wanli Yu and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol.38, pp.1271-1279, 2024.
Bilevel-Optimized Continual Learning for Predicting Capacity Degradation of Lithium-Ion Batteries
Minho Lee, Seongyoon Kim, Sanghyun Kim, and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Energy Storage, Vol.86, 111187, 2024.
Large-Eddy Simulation-based Wind and Thermal Comfort Assessment in Urban Environments
Geunwoo Oh, Mingyu Yang, and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.246, 105682, 2024.
Effects of inclination angle on Rayleigh–Bénard convection under non-Oberbeck–Boussinesq approximation in air
Xiaomin Pan and Jung-Il Choi*
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.151, 107255, 2024.
Deep-learning-based reduced-order modeling to optimize recuperative burner operating conditions
Mingyu Yang, Seongyoon Kim, Xiang Sun, Sanghyun Kim, Jiyong Choi, Tae Seon Park, and Jung-Il Choi*
Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.236, 121669, 2024.
Effects of aspect ratio on Rayleigh-Bénard convection under non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq approximation in glycerol
Xiaomin Pan, Wanli Yu, and Jung-Il Choi*
The European Physical Journal Plus, Vol.138, No.12, 1096, 2023.
Non-Oberbeck–Boussinesq effects on a water-filled differentially heated vertical cavity
Xiaomin Pan and Jung-Il Choi*
Physics of Fluids, Vol.35, No.11, 113609, 2023.
Stable monolithic immersed boundary projection method for particle sedimentation with heat transfer at density ratios near unity
Tiantian Xu and Jung-Il Choi*
Physics of Fluids, Vol.35, No.10, 103615, 2023.
Multi-GPU-based real-time large-eddy simulations for urban microclimate
Mingyu Yang, Geunwoo Oh, Tiantian Xu, Jungwoo Kim, Ji-Hoon Kang, and Jung-Il Choi*
Building and Environment, Vol.245, 110856, 2023.
This article was featured at Super Science@KISTI.
Numerical simulations of underwater explosions using compressible multi-fluid models
Wanli Yu, Seungho Song, and Jung-Il Choi*
Physics of Fluids, Vol.35, No.10, 106102, 2023.
A Multi-GPU Based LES Urban Wind Flow Solver for Real-Time Simulation
Mingyu Yang, Geunwoo Oh, and Jung-Il Choi*
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (Edited by L.L. Wang), Environmental Science and Engineering, Chap. 22, pp. 199–202, Springer Nature, Singapore, 2023.
Effect of Cell-to-cell Variation and Module Configuration on the Performance of Lithium-ion Battery Systems
Kyunghyun Kim and Jung-Il Choi*
Applied Energy, Vol.352, 121888, 2023.
Improving the third-order WENO schemes by using exponential polynomial space with a locally optimized shape parameter
Kyungrok Lee, Jung-Il Choi, and Jungho Yoon
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.149, pp.24-37, 2023.
Non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq effects in two-dimensional Rayleigh-Bénard convection of different fluids
Xiaomin Pan and Jung-Il Choi*
Physics of Fluids, Vol.35, No.9, 095108, 2023.
Bayesian parameter identification in electrochemical model for Lithium-ion batteries
Seongyoon Kim, Sanghyun Kim, Yun Young Choi, and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Energy Storage, Vol.71, 108129, 2023.
Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Taylor-Couette Flow
Mingyu Yang, Geunwoo Oh, Ki-Ha Kim, Jun Ho Jang, Jong Su Kim, Seo Yoon Jung, and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Computational Fluid Engineering, Vol.28, No.2, pp.88-93, 2023.
Computational fluid dynamics modeling of contaminant transport with adsorption filtration inside planar-shaped air-purifying respirator canister
Geunwoo Oh, Yesol Hyun, Jung-Il Choi*, Jaeheon Lee, Min-Kun Kim, and Heesoo Jung
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Vol.196, pp.171-183, 2023.
PaScaL_TDMA 2.0: A multi-GPU-based library for solving massive tridiagonal systems
Mingyu Yang, Ji-Hoon Kang, Ki-Ha Kim, Oh-Kyoung Kwon, and Jung-Il Choi*
Computer Physics Communications, Vol.290, 108785, 2023
The source code "PaScaL_TDMA2.0" is available at GitHub-MPMC-Lab.
PaScaL_TCS: a versatile solver for large-scale turbulent convective heat transfer problems with temperature-dependent fluid properties
Ki-Ha Kim, Ji-Hoon Kang, Xiaomin Pan, and Jung-Il Choi*
Computer Physics Communications, Vol.290, 108779, 2023.
The source code "PaScaL_TCS" is available at GitHub-MPMC-Lab.
Numerical simulations of blast wave propagation after a high-energy explosion
Wanli Yu, Seungho Song, Tiantian Xu, and Jung-Il Choi*
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Vol.24, pp.1042-1053, 2023.
Optimally arranged TiO2@MoS2 heterostructures with effectively induced built-in electric field for high-performance lithium–sulfur batteries
Jeongyoub Lee, Changhoon Choi, Jung Been Park, Seungho Yu, Jinho Ha, Hyungsoo Lee, Gyumin Jang, Young Sun Park, Juwon Yun, Hayoung Im, Subin Moon, Soobin Lee, Jung-Il Choi, Dong-Wan Kim, Jooho Moon
Journal of Energy Chemistry, Vol.83, pp.496-508, 2023.
Model-free reconstruction of capacity degradation trajectory of Lithium-ion batteries using early cycle data
Seongyoon Kim, Hangsoon Jung, Minho Lee, Yun Young Choi, and Jung-Il Choi*
eTransportation, Vol.17, 100243, 2023.
Efficient monolithic immersed boundary projection method for incompressible flows with heat transfer
Tiantian Xu and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Computational Physics, Vol.477, 111929, 2023.
Two-layer hydrodynamic network model for redox flow battery stack with flow field design
Jinho Ha, Yun Young Choi, Youngkwon Kim, Je-Nam Lee, and Jung-Il Choi*
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.201, 123626, 2023.
Numerical analysis of the effectiveness of air curtains in mitigating particle infiltrations to a subway cabin
Yesol Hyun, Geunwoo Oh, Mingyu Yang, Jiyong Choi, and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Computational Fluid Engineering, Vol.27, No.4, pp.55-64, 2022.
Recurrent neural network-induced Gaussian process
Xiang Sun, Seongyoon Kim, and Jung-Il Choi*
Neurocomputing, Vol.509, pp.75-84, 2022.
Numerical Study of Respiratory Resistance and Internal Temperature Change in Gas Mask During Breathing Cycles
Geunwoo Oh, Yesol Hyun, Jung-Il Choi*, Jaeheon Lee, Min-Kun Kim, and Heesoo Jung
Journal of Computational Fluid Engineering, Vol.27, No.2, pp.46-56, 2022.
Drag, lift, and torque coefficients for various geometrical configurations of elliptic cylinder under Stokes to laminar flow regimes
Geunwoo Oh, Hyunwook Park, and Jung-Il Choi*
AIP Advances, Vol.12. 065228, 2022.
Monolithic projection-based method with staggered time discretization for solving non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq natural convection flows
Xiaomin Pan, Ki-Ha Kim, and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Computational Physics, Vol.463, 111238, 2022.
Parameter identification and identifiability analysis of Lithium-ion batteries
Yun Young Choi, Seongyoon Kim, Kyunghyun Kim, Sanghyun Kim, and Jung-Il Choi*
Energy Science & Engineering, Vol.10, pp.488-506, 2022.
Impedance-based capacity estimation for Lithium-ion batteries using generative adversarial network
Seongyoon Kim, Yun Young Choi, and Jung-Il Choi*
Applied Energy, Vol.308, 118317, 2022.
Stochastic gradient methods for L2-Wasserstein least squares problem of Gaussian measures
Sangwoon Yun, Xiang Sun, and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of the KSIAM, Vol.24, No.4, pp.162-172, 2021.
Dynamic Pore Modulation of Stretchable Electrospun Nanofiber Filter for Adaptive Machine Learned Respiratory Protection
Jaeho Shin, Seongmin Jeong, Jinmo Kim, Yun Young Choi, Joonhwa Choi, Jae Gun Lee,
Seongyoon Kim, Munju Kim, Yoonsoo Rho, Sukjoon Hong, Jung-Il Choi, Costas P. Grigoropoulos,
and Seung Hwan Ko
ACS Nano, Vol.15, No.10, pp. 15730−15740, 2021
Contribution of Reynolds shear stress to near-wall turbulence in Rayleigh–Bénard convection
Junsun Ahn, Ki-Ha Kim, Xiaomin Pan, and Jung-Il Choi*
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.181, 121873, 2021.
Forecasting state-of-health of Lithium-ion batteries using variational long short-term memory with transfer learning
Seongyoon Kim, Yun Young Choi, Ki Jae Kim, and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Energy Storage, Vol.41, 102893, 2021.
Mean thermal energy balance analysis in differentially heated vertical channel flows
Ki-Ha Kim, Junsun Ahn, and Jung-Il Choi*
Physics of Fluids, Vol.33, 065120, 2021.
This paper was selected as an Editor's Pick.
Non-intrusive reduced-order modeling for uncertainty quantification of space-time-dependent parameterized problems
Xiang Sun, and Jung-Il Choi*
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol.87, pp.50-64, 2021.
Non-intrusive reduced-order modeling method based on proper orthogonal decomposition and polynomial chaos expansion
Xiang Sun, Xiaomin Pan, and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 390, 113372, 2021.
Efficient monolithic projection method for chemotaxis-driven bioconvection problems
Xiaomin Pan, Soomin Chun and Jung-Il Choi*
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol.84, pp.166-184, 2021.
Binary genetic algorithm for optimal joinpoint detection: Application to cancer trend analysis
Seongyoon Kim, Sanghee Lee, Jung-Il Choi and Hyunsoon Cho
Statistics in Medicine, Vol.40, No.3, pp.799-822, 2021.
PaScaL_TDMA: A library of parallel and scalable solvers for massive tridiagonal systems
Ki-Ha Kim, Ji-Hoon Kang, Xiaomin Pan and Jung-Il Choi*
Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 260, 107722, 2021.
The source code "PaScaL_TDMA library" is available at GitHub-MPMC-Lab.
Jun Ho Jang, Geunwoo Oh, Xiang Sun, Jong Su Kim, Tae Hee Kwak, and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Computational Fluid Engineering, Vol.25, No.4, pp.25-33, 2020.
MPI Parallel Implementation for pseudo-spectral simulations for turbulent channel flow
Oh-Kyung Kwon, Jin Lee, Junghoon Lee, Ji-Hoon Kang and Jung-Il Choi*
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 34, pp.569-582, 2020.
Global sensitivity analysis for multivariate outputs using polynomial chaos-based surrogate models
Xiang Sun, Yun Young Choi and Jung-Il Choi*
Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol.82, pp.867-887, 2020.
Multiple parameter identification using genetic algorithm in vanadium redox flow batteries
Yun Young Choi, Seongyoon Kim, Soowhan Kim* and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Power Sources, Vol.450, 227684, 2020.
Quantification of measurement error effects on conductivity reconstruction in electrical impedance tomography
Xiang Sun, Eunjung Lee and Jung-Il Choi*
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol.28, No.12, pp.1669–1693, 2020.
An immersed boundary formulation incorporating a two-layer wall model approach for RANS simulations with complex geometry
Hyunwook Park, Geunwoo Oh, Tae Seon Park, Changhoon Lee and Jung-Il Choi*
Computers & Fluids 104551, 2020.
Immersed-boundary methods for simulating human motion events
Jung-Il Choi and Jack R. Edwards,
Immersed Boundary Method: Development and Applications
(Edited by S. Roy, A. De and E. Balaras), pp.395–419, Springer Nature, Singapore, 2020.
Efficient monolithic projection method with staggered time discretization for natural convection problems
Xiaomin Pan, Ki-Ha Kim and Jung-Il Choi*
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.144, 118677, 2019.
Analysis of localized damping effects in channel flows with a random rough boundary
Jaewook Ahn, Jae-Myoung Kim, Jung-Il Choi* and Kyungkeun Kang
Applicable Analysis, Vol.98, No.13, pp.2359-2377, 2019.
Efficient exact solution procedure for quasi-one-dimensional nozzle flows with stiffened-gas equation of state
Geum-Su Yeom and Jung-Il Choi*
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.137, pp.523-533, 2019.
Extended synthetic eddy method to generate inflow data for turbulent thermal boundary layer
Geunwoo Oh, Kyung Min Noh, Hyunwook Park and Jung-Il Choi*
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.134, pp.1261-1267, 2019.
Analysis of convective heat transfer in channel flow with arbitrary rough surface
Jaewook Ahn, Jung-Il Choi* and Kyungkeun Kang
ZAMM –Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol.99, No.e20170363, 2019.
Lock-in regions of laminar flows over streamwise oscillating circular cylinder
Ki-Ha Kim and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol.858, pp.315-351, 2019.
Activity gradient carbon felt electrodes for vanadium redox flow batteries
Youngkwon Kim, Yun Young Choi, Nari Yun, Mingyu Yang, Yonghee Jeon, Ki Jae Kim*, and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Power Sources, Vol.408, pp.128-135, 2018
Short note on conditional collapse of self-gravitating system with positive total energy
Jaewook Ahn and Jung-Il Choi*
Physica A, Vol.507, pp.205-209, 2018.
Efficient monolithic projection method for time-dependent conjugate heat transfer problems
Xiaomin Pan, Changhoon Lee and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Computational Physics, Vol.369, pp.191-208, 2018.
Analysis of localized damping effects in channel flows with a periodic rough boundary
Jaewook Ahn, Jung-Il Choi*, Kyungkeun Kang, and Jihye Lim
Applicable Analysis, Vol.97, No.6, pp.902-918, 2018.
Pre-design model for redox flow battery design
Yun Young Choi, Geunwoo Oh, Jung-Il Choi*, Young Kwon Kim and Ki Jae Kim
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol.32, No.3, pp.1025-1032, 2018.
Two dimensional radial gas flow in atmospheric pressure plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition
Gwihyun Kim, Seran Park, Hyunsoo Shin, Seungho Song, Hoon-Jung Oh, Dae Hong Ko, Jung-Il Choi and Seung Jae Baik
AIP Advances, Vol.7, 125310, 2017.
Effect of wind and buoyancy interactions on single-sided ventilation in a building
Jinsoo Park, Xiang Sun, Jung-Il Choi* and Gwang Hoon Rhee
Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.171, 380-389, 2017.
Uncertainty quantification of upstream wind effects on single-sided ventilation in a building using generalized polynomial chaos method
Xiang Sun, Jinsoo Park, Jung-Il Choi* and Gwang Hoon Rhee
Building and Environment, Vol.125, pp.153-167, 2017.
Physically-based probabilistic analysis of sediment deposition for sand particles in an open channel flow
Jungsun Oh, Jung-Il Choi*, Sung-Uk Choi and Christina W. Tsai
ASCE - Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol.143, No.5, 04016106, 2017.
Fully decoupled monolithic projection method for natural convection problems
Xiaomin Pan, Kyoungyoun Kim, Changhoon Lee and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 334, pp.582-606, 2017.
A simple and efficient outflow boundary condition for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation
Yibao Li, Jung-Il Choi, Yongho Choi and Junsoek Kim
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, Vol.11, No.1, pp.69-85, 2017.
Multi-component Cahn-Hilliard system with different boundary conditions in complex domains
Yibao Li, Jung-Il Choi* and Junseok Kim
Journal of Computational Physics, Vol.323, pp.1-16, 2016.
Effect of surface conditions on blast wave propagation
Seungho Song, Yibao Li, Changhoon Lee and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol.30, No.9, pp.3907-3915, 2016.
Size-resolved source emission rates of indoor ultrafine particles considering coagulation
Donghyun Rim, Jung-Il Choi* and Lance Wallace
Environmental Science & Technology, Vol.50, pp.10031-10038, 2016.
Inverse problem for color Doppler ultrasound-assisted intra-cardiac blood flow imaging
Jaeseong Jang, Chi Young Ahn, Jung-Il Choi*, Jin Keun Seo
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, ID 6371078, 2016.
A pre-conditioned implicit direct forcing based immersed boundary method for incompressible viscous flows
Hyunwook Park, Xiaomin Pan, Changhoon Lee and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Computational Physics, Vol.314, pp.774-799, 2016.
A decoupled monolithic projection method for natural convection problems
Xiaomin Pan, Kyoungyoun Kim, Changhoon Lee and Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Computational Physics, Vol.314, pp.160-166, 2016.
Analysis of velocity-components decoupled projection method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Xiaomin Pan, Changhoon Lee, Kyoungyoun Kim and Jung-Il Choi*
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol.71, No.8, pp.1722-1743, 2016.
Enhanced single-sided ventilation with overhang in buildings
Jinsoo Park, Jung-Il Choi* and Gwang Hoon Rhee
Energies, Vol.9, No.3, 122, 2016.
Interparticle collision mechanism in turbulence
Jung-Il Choi, Yongnam Park, Ohjoon Kwon and Changhoon Lee
Physical Review E, Vol. 93, 013112, 2016.
A phase-field fluid modeling and computation with interfacial profile correction term
Yibao Li, Jung-Il Choi and Junseok Kim
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, Vol. 30, pp.84-100, 2016.
An electrical impedance monitoring method of water-lubricated oil transportation
Hyeuknam Kwon, Jung-Il Choi* and Jin Keun Seo
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Vol. 46, pp.327-333, 2015.
A reconstruction method of blood flow velocity in left ventricle using color flow ultrasound
Jaeseong Jang, Chi Young Ahn, Kiwan Jeon, Jung Heo, Donghak Lee, Chulmin Joo, Jung-Il Choi and Jin Keun Seo
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, ID 108274, 2015.
Fast local image impainting based on Allen-Cahn model
Yibao Li, Darae Jeong, Jung-Il Choi, Seunggyu Lee and Junseok Kim
Digital Signal Processing, Vol.37, pp.65-74, 2015.
Numerical analysis on water transport in alkaline anion exchange membrane fuel cells
Young-Jun Sohn, Jung-Il Choi and Kyungyoun Kim
Electrochemistry, Vol.82, No.2, pp.80-83, 2015
Large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow and dispersion over a complex urban street canyon
Kiyoung Moon, Jeong-Min Hwang, Byung-Gu Kim, Changhoon Lee and Jung-Il Choi*
Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Vol.14, No.6, pp.1381-1403, 2014
Spatial organization of large- and very-large scale motions in a turbulent channel flow
Jin Lee, Jae Hwa Lee, Jung-Il Choi and Hyung Jin Sung
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol.749, pp.818-849, 2014
Exponentially stagnation point flow of non-Newtonian nanofluid over an exponentially stretching surface
S. Nadeem, M.A. Sadiq, Jung-Il Choi and Changhoon Lee
International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulations, Vol. 15, No.3-4, pp.171-180, 2014.
Numerical simulation of initial fireball after nuclear explosion
Seungho Song, Changhoon Lee, Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Computational Fluids Engineering, Vol.19, No.4, pp.45-51, 2014.
Multizone modeling of strategies to reduce the spread of airborne infectious agents infections in healthcare facilities
Steven J. Emmerich, David Heinzerling, Jung-Il Choi* and Andrew K. Persily
Building and Environment, Vol.60, pp.105-115, 2013.
An immersed boundary method for low Reynolds number flows
Hyun Wook Park, Changhoon Lee, Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Computational Fluids Engineering, Vol.18, No.3, pp.34-41, 2013.
Numerical simulation of the effects of mesoflaps in controlling shock/boundary layer interactions
Santanu Ghosh, Jack R. Edwards and Jung-Il Choi
Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol.28, No.5, pp.955970, 2012.
Large eddy simulation of particle re-suspension during a foot step
Jung-Il Choi, Jack R. Edwards, Jacky A. Rosati, and Alfred D. Eisner
Aerosol Science & Technology, Vol.46, No.7, pp.767-780, 2012.
Evolution of ultrafine particle size distributions following indoor episodic releases: relative importance of coagulation, deposition and ventilation
Donghyun Rim, Lance Wallace, Andrew Persily, and Jung-Il Choi*
Aerosol Science & Technology, Vol.46, No.5, pp.494-503, 2012.
Large eddy simulation of human-induced contaminant transport in room compartments
Jung-Il Choi and Jack R. Edwards
Indoor Air, Vol.22, No.1, pp.77-87, 2012.
Effect of wall proximity on drag and lift forces on a circular cylinder
Hyun Wook Park, Changhoon Lee, Jung-Il Choi*
Journal of Computational Fluids Engineering, Vol.17, No.3, pp.68-74, 2012.
Compressible-flow simulations using a new LES/RANS models
Daniel A. Gieseking, Jung-Il Choi, Jack R. Edwards and Hassan A. Hassan
AIAA Journal, Vol.49, No.10, pp.2194-2209, 2011.
Human-induced particle re-suspension in a room
Roshan C. Oberoi, Jung-Il Choi, Jack R. Edwards, Jacky A. Rosati, Jonathan Thornburg, and Charles E. Rodes
Aerosol Science & Technology, Vol.44, No.3, pp.216-229, 2010.
Simulation of shock boundary layer interactions with bleed using immersed boundary methods
Santanu Ghosh, Jung-Il Choi and Jack R. Edwards
Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 26, No.2, pp.203-214, 2010.
Numerical simulations of effects of micro vortex generators using immersed boundary methods
Santanu Ghosh, Jung-Il Choi and Jack R. Edwards
AIAA Journal, Vol. 48, No.1, pp.92-103, 2010.
Compressible boundary layer predictions at high Reynolds number using hybrid LES/RANS methods
Jung-Il Choi, Jack R. Edwards and Robert A. Baurle
AIAA Journal, Vol.47, No.9, pp.2179-2193, 2009.
Large eddy simulation and zonal modeling of human-induced contaminant transport
Jung-Il Choi and Jack R. Edwards
Indoor Air, Vol.18, No.3, pp.233-249, 2008.
Hybrid LES/RANS simulation of a Mach 5 compression-corner interaction
Jack R. Edwards, Jung-Il Choi and John A. Boles
AIAA Journal, Vol.46, No.4, 977-991, 2008.
Mathematical analysis of particle deposition in human lungs: an improved single-path transport model
Jung-Il Choi and Chong S. Kim
Inhalation Toxicology, Vol.19, No.11, pp.925-939, 2007.
An immersed boundary method for complex incompressible flows
Jung-Il Choi, Roshan C. Oberoi, Jack R. Edwards and Jacky A. Rosati
Journal of Computational Physics, Vol.224, pp.757-784, 2007.
Direct numerical simulation of turbulent flow in a square duct: an analysis of secondary flows
Younghoon Joung, Sung-Uk Choi and Jung-Il Choi
Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE, Vol.133, pp.213-221, 2007.
Intermittent nature of acceleration in near-wall turbulence
Changhoon Lee, Kyeongmin Yeo and Jung-Il Choi
Physical Review Letters, Vol.92, No.144502, 2004.
Lagrangian statistics in turbulent channel flow
Jung-Il Choi, Kyeongmin Yeo and Changhoon Lee
Physics of Fluids, Vol.16, No.3, pp.779-793, 2004.
Identification and control of Taylor-Gortler vortices in turbulent curved-channel flow
Chun-Xiao Xu, Jung-Il Choi and Hyung Jin Sung
AIAA Journal, Vol.41, No.12, pp.2387-2393, 2003.
Direct numerical simulation of double compound open-channel flows
Younghoon Joung, Sung-Uk Choi and Jung-Il Choi
KSCE, Vol.23, No.4B, pp.305-314, 2003.
Lagrangian investigation of turbulent channel flow, (I)-An assessment of particle tracking algorithms-
Jung-Il Choi and Changhoon Lee
KSME B, Vol.27, No.7, pp.859-866, 2003.
Lagrangian investigation of turbulent channel flow, (II)-Analysis of Lagrangian statistics-
Jung-Il Choi and Changhoon Lee
KSME B, Vol.27, No.7, pp.867-876, 2003.
Assessment of suboptimal control for drag reduction in turbulent channel flow
Jung-Il Choi and Hyung Jin Sung
Journal of Turbulence, Vol.3, No.29, pp.1-17, 2002.
Drag reduction by spanwise wall oscillations in wall-bounded turbulent flows
Jung-Il Choi, Chun-Xiao Xu and Hyung Jin Sung
AIAA Journal, Vol.40, No.5, pp.842-850, 2002.
Suboptimal control for drag reduction in turbulent pipe flow
Chun-Xiao Xu, Jung-Il Choi and Hyung Jin Sung
Fluid Dynamic Research, Vol.30, No.4, pp 217-231, 2002.
Relationship between wall pressure fluctuations and streamwise vortices in a turbulent boundary layer
Joongnyeon Kim, Jung-Il Choi and Hyung Jin Sung
Physics of Fluids, Vol.14, No.2, pp.898-901, 2002.
Control of turbulent curved channel flow for drag reduction
Jung-Il Choi and Hyung Jin Sung
KSME B, Vol.26, No.9, pp.1302-1310, 2002.
Suboptimal control in turbulent pipe flow
Jung-Il Choi, Chun-Xiao Xu and Hyung Jin Sung
KSME B, Vol.26, No.2, pp.345-352, 2002.
Evaluation of suboptimal control in turbulent channel flow
Jung-Il Choi and Hyung Jin Sung
KSME B, Vol.25, No.9, pp.1227-1236, 2001.
Correlation of near-wall streamwise vortices to wall pressure fluctuations in a turbulent boundary layer
Joongnyon Kim, Jung-Il Choi and Hyung Jin Sung
KSME B, Vol. 25, No.8, pp.1068-1076, 2001.
Czochralski crystal growth by the accelerated crystal rotation technique
Seungtae Kim, Jung-Il Choi and Hyung Jin Sung
KACG, Vol.8, No.1, pp.18-28, 1998.
Transition flow modes in Czochralski convection
Jung-Il Choi, Seungtae Kim, Hyung Jin Sung, Akifumi Nakano and Hide S. Koyama
Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol.180, pp.305-314, 1997.
Suppression of temperature oscillation in Czochralski convection by superimposing rotating flows
Jung-Il Choi and Hyung Jin Sung
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.40, No.7, pp,1667-1675, 1997.
Prediction of transition in Czochralski process
Jung-Il Choi and Hyung Jin Sung
KACG, Vol.7, No.1, pp. 108-116, 1997.
Control of oscillatory Czochralski convection by ACRT
Jung-Il Choi Hyung Jin Sung
KSME, Vol.20, No.7, pp.2397-2408, 1996.